About Us
Located in downtown Sioux Falls, South Dakota, First Lutheran Church gives God's Word in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sinners. We teach how to share the good news while serving our neighbors' needs and building up the community of faith. Explore our site to learn more, and imagine where you might like to get involved at First Lutheran!
First Lutheran Church was founded in 1920, and we are part of the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Click here to read FLC’s history.
Saturday at 5 p.m. traditional worship, Chapel
Sunday at 8 a.m. rebroadcast of previous week’s traditional service on KELO-FM (101.9)
Sunday at 9 a.m. traditional worship, Sanctuary; join live on YouTube
Sunday 10:20-10:50 a.m. Sunday School (during school year only), Gathering Room/classrooms
Sunday at 11 a.m. contemporary worship, Sanctuary; join live on YouTube
Sunday at 11 a.m. broadcast of 9 a.m. service on KSFY Sioux Falls, KPRY Pierre, and KABY Aberdeen
membership at first lutheran
Interested in membership at First Lutheran? Please join us for our new member sessions! New classes to be announced soon. In the meantime, please contact Bev Bentzinger for more information to start this process!
constitution and by-laws
Staff at FLC
worship and music ministries
youth and family ministries
nursery attendants
Irma Rodriguez Leon
Mindee Mullen
Kris Stark
finance, property, administration
communication and technology
Jodi Hoyt, Director
broadcast directors
Kathy Hein
Jon Martin
Hons Oakland
Dave Palmer
Congregational Leaders
executive committee
Not pictured
Lyle Eidsness, member-at-large
council members – Board Chairs
not pictured
Stan Christopherson, Care & Health
Marc Toft, Finance, Property, and Administration