Grounded in Faith, Giving with Freedom

2024 Stewardship Pledge

Dear First Lutheran Church Members:

A sure foundation keeps us grounded—grounded in faith, grounded in ministry, grounded in love of our neighbor. With this strong, steadfast foundation beneath our proverbial feet, we are graciously provided the opportunity to give freely of our time, talents, and treasures, just as Jesus taught us. We give thanks for a God who gives us all that we need in daily bread, grounding us in faith and allowing us to give with freedom. This stewardship season, we invite you to consider how this year’s theme of Grounded in Faith, Giving with Freedom applies to your life.

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6-7). Grounding ourselves in Christ, growing in ministry and mission, and giving thanks for all that God provides is central to the community of First Lutheran Church. The ministries at First Lutheran would not be possible without the support of our cherished congregation members. Over the coming weeks, please consider how the ministries of First Lutheran strengthen you and your family and how you may freely give of your treasures.

After prayerful consideration, please complete the enclosed pledge card and return it to the church or submit your pledge online at Thank you for your continued generous support of First Lutheran Church.

The season of stewardship is not only a time for stewarding our treasures, but a time for reflection on how we steward our time and talents as well. During this season, we ask that you consider the ways in which you may share your talents and gifts with First Lutheran in 2024. From joining a music ensemble to serving Wednesday night meals to working in the woodshop, there are bountiful opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to serve this congregation. As we remain grounded in Christ’s sure foundation, we invite you to grow freely in ministry together with our brothers and sisters in Christ at First Lutheran Church.

God’s grace and peace be with you,

Pastor Jason Burggraff and the Stewardship and Giving Board

Please contact Jodi Hoyt with any questions.

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Thank you! Your support through prayer, time, talent, and financial contributions is greatly appreciated. Every gift matters, no matter how large or small, and each is part of the whole of First Lutheran sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

All members of First Lutheran Church are encouraged to participate in stewardship.