January 2025
FLC Now provides a quick, monthly look at ways to stay informed, be engaged, and get involved in the life of the church. Each month we’ll highlight ways in which the congregation can lend a hand, donate needed items, or simply be a part of the church family at happenings.
If you’d like to receive a copy of FLC Now opportunities in the mail, please call the church office, 605/336.3734.
on the calendar—visit flcsf.org/events for more info and to register
happening this month
OWLS luncheon: Tuesday, January 28, 11:30a, Gathering Room; presenter—Kim Koblank, Manager of the downtown main branch of the Sioux Falls Public Library
Annual Meeting: Sunday, February 2, 12:15p, Reformation Hall. Read the annual report.
Traditional Worship: Saturdays, 5p, Chapel
Traditional Worship: Sundays, 9a, Sanctuary
Contemporary Worship: Sundays, 11a, Sanctuary
Drive-thru coffee and prayer: Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30a
Pastors’ Bible study: Wednesdays, 10a, Gathering Room
Men’s Bible study: Thursdays, 7:30a, Gathering Room
Advanced pickleball: Thursdays, 8:30a, Reformation Hall
Beginner pickleball: Thursdays, 5:30p, Reformation Hall
Give – donate at flcsf.org/give, through the Church Center app, or text any amount to 84321
Donation Boxes for January (located near the Atrium elevator)
Food to You food of the month: macaroni and cheese
Necessities for Neighbors: toilet paper, diapers, laundry detergent, feminine hygiene products (ongoing)
January Special Offering supports seminary student grants. Read more in First Word, and donate below.
Get involved
Necessities for Neighbors: Tuesday, January 21, 5-7p. Assistance is needed for Necessities for Neighbors distribution at FLC.
Laundry with Love: Saturday, January 28. Assistance is needed to set up and serve a meal for about 125 people as well as to help distribute quarters and soap, organize donations, sweep and clean up as needed, and help with any other needs that might arise.
Wednesday night meals volunteers are needed to help set up, serve, and clean up. Sign up below.
Worship assistants are needed particularly at the 11 o’clock service to usher, serve communion, and to serve as lectors (readers). If you’re interested in assisting as an usher or communion server, please contact Shirley Barlow. If you are interested in serving as a lector, please contact Jodi Hoyt.
Broadcast team members needed: Each weekend, a team of four dedicated individuals make our broadcast and live stream possible. New team members are needed; no experience or technical expertise is needed. Contact Jodi for more info.
Meeting Minutes
The Church Council approved a motion to provide minutes of all board meetings within 7 days of those minutes being approved. To keep the information private and for congregation members only, the minutes will be posted in the Church Center app (click here for more info). Additionally, they will be printed and stored in a binder at the Info Desk for check-out by members.