Worship at First Lutheran Church

join us in worship

  • Saturday at 5 p.m. traditional worship, Chapel

  • Sunday at 8 a.m. rebroadcast of previous week’s traditional service on KELO-FM (101.9)

  • Sunday at 9 a.m. traditional worship, Sanctuary; join live on YouTube

  • Sunday 10:10-10:50 a.m. Sunday School, begins in Upper Room (meets during school year, September through May)

  • Sunday 10:15-10:45 a.m. Adult Education, Chapel (meets during school year, September through May)

  • Sunday at 11 a.m. contemporary worship, Sanctuary; join live on YouTube

  • Sunday at 11 a.m. broadcast of 9 a.m. service on KSFY Sioux Falls, KPRY Pierre, and KABY Aberdeen

We gather in worship to give our thanks to God and to be transformed by the message of the Gospel. Bulletins (including large-print) are available to guide you through every part of our worship service. We encourage families to worship together, but nursery care is also available on Sunday mornings for our youngest members. The decision to dress up or dress casually for church is entirely up to you. Holy Communion is offered at all services. All baptized Christians who believe Jesus is Lord are invited to share communion with us, regardless of denomination.

We are part of the South Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Baptism is the primary way we experience the grace, love, and forgiveness of God. In this water and by His Word, God joins each of us to the life and death of Jesus Christ. This is His word of promise. Because of God’s faithful and steadfast love for his children, we come to trust and rely on this promise for our very lives. Baptism is a once and for all promise that God forgives, saves, and grants new life.

Baptisms normally happen during a regular worship service on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Monthly baptism classes are held the first Thursday, 7-8 p.m. People of any age may be baptized.

Please complete the form below and look for a follow-up from Bev Bentzinger, Administrative Assistant. She will help you set up a date and answer any questions.

Information on a Lutheran Baptism

The members of First Lutheran look forward to celebrating with you as your child receives this gift—entrance into the fellowship of Christ through the sacrament of Baptism.

The Lutheran Liturgy of Baptism describes the Lord’s gift in this way: “In Holy Baptism, our gracious heavenly Father liberates us from sin and death by joining us to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are born children of a fallen humanity; in the waters of Baptism we are re-born children of God and inheritors of eternal life. By water and the Holy Spirit, we are made members of the church which is the body of Christ. As we live with him and with his people, we grow in faith, love, and obedience to the will of God.” 

The promise God makes in baptism is carried through parents, sponsors, and Christ’s church to shape a lifelong response to God’s love. Therefore, you and the sponsors bring your child to the services of God’s house, to teach the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, the Ten Commandments, the use of the Holy Scriptures, and to provide for instruction in the Christian faith. In doing so, you lead your child into a personal living relationship with Jesus.

The entire congregation “sponsors” your child in baptism. If you select relatives or friends as additional sponsors, they are to be in a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and members of a Christian church so they can join in the promises that are part of the baptismal covenant.

At First Lutheran, you can schedule the baptism at an available worship service. Since baptism brings one into the community of faith, it is normally part of the worship service. Baptisms are not scheduledon major festival Sundays. 

Please fill out the online form above, and we will contact you directly to answer questions and schedule the baptism.


Marriage is an estate of God in which “a man leaves his mother and father and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24

Therefore, marriage involves much more than a simple wedding ceremony. It is the joining of two people, two lives, only to be separated in death. Marriage is fully giving all that you have to the other. Her joy is now his. His sorrow is now hers. Together, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, man and woman live together and for the other as long as they both shall live.

A wedding service at First Lutheran is most importantly a Christian Worship Service, where God’s word is preached and where songs, hymns, and prayers are directed to God.

Please review the wedding policies booklet below. Complete the interest form and look for a follow-up from us.


"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

A Christian funeral gives God's promise of resurrection from the dead to give comfort to family and friends in grief. Death is a power that we cannot overcome, so the loss of a loved one can leave one without hope. In Christ, however, God conquers death and gives us hope and joy so we do not mourn without hope, but rejoice even in sadness. 

Please contact the First Lutheran Church office at (605) 336-3734 to inquire about arrangements for a funeral service.