Thoughts for the Second Sunday of Advent

First Lutheran Church, Under North Balcony

First Lutheran Church, Under North Balcony

Advent is an expectant time, awaiting the coming of the Lord. The prophet Joel preaches God’s Word promising that even in the darkest days when doubts arise about God’s mercy and steadfast love, there is yet time to return to the Lord. In fact, the darkness and difficulty that one faces is exactly the right time to know God - not only in weeping and mourning and outward expressions, but deeply, inwardly in the heart. That is finally where the day of the Lord occurs, where God’s gracious, steadfast love and mercy comes to each one. Until God has captured the heart, while possibilities and hopes exist without God, the day of the Lord will be terribly frightening. However, return even now to God, who will pour out his Spirit upon sons and daughters, to prophesy and preach the good and gracious message of coming day of the Lord.

Pastor Lars Olson


Thoughts on Isaiah 61


This Weekend in Worship