
“One little word will fell him….” from A Mighty Fortress is Our God ELW #503


All of humankind seeks relief from the burden of sin. Whether you experience this as sickness, stress and worry, or even death; we go through life often trying to placate ourselves in other things to find just a moment of relief.

Five hundred years ago, the Roman Catholic Church had used these feelings of oppression to profit from. Johann Tetzel, a charismatic Dominican friar, was sent throughout Germany to utilize the fear of God’s wrath in order that the church may raise money. Tetzel sold indulgences, a certificate stating the remission and forgiveness of sin. One might even purchase this great gift for someone else. In essence, the indulgence stated that God’s grace and mercy could be bought, nullifying the cross of Jesus Christ. It is in response to the sale of indulgences that Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on October 31, 1517, on the castle church door, effectively starting the Reformation.

The message of the Reformation is that Christ has claimed you as His own, died for the remission and forgiveness of your sins, and raises you to new life. Sin, death and the devil do not have a final word over you, Christ does… and it is just one little word, for you… FORGIVEN!

Come, gather in worship and celebration this weekend as a family of faith. We welcome guest preacher Dr. Steve Paulson, professor at Luther Seminary and world-renowned Lutheran theologian as he will proclaim God’s Word for us that it may come through your ears and take residence in your heart in faith. 

Jeff Backer, Intern Pastor


The Beatitudes: Blessed Are the Upside Down


“First Things, First: In Jesus’ Name”