All Authority

Holy Trinity

Jesus says that “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). In the word authority, we normally hear echos of power and permission, like calling the “authorities.” The police show up, order is restored, and peace in the community resumes. That is certainly part of what Jesus is saying, but there is a whole other level to Jesus’ authority that is closer to that of an author of a novel, who writes and creates the story. Even more than enforcing peace and protecting freedom, Jesus has the authority to create an original peace, and to bestow freedom upon those bound in sin.

This is the work of the triune God, the Holy Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God comes into creation, which God created and called good - even though we experience it as sometimes bad - to redeem us from all that would hold us captive. Jesus is the author and giver of life, light, peace, and freedom to all who are powerless against death, darkness, chaos and bondage and by his creating word he sends us out to bring his creative and redeeming world to all in need.

That’s called the “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:19). Sent out to proclaim the kingdom of God, God’s new creation in Christ, not on our authority, but on Jesus’ authority. For he promises to be with us always, to the end of the age.


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