More Certain Than the Sun

Ben Franklin once said that, “the only certainties in life are death and taxes!” If we really think about it, there are very few certainties that we can count on. It is pretty much assumed that the sun will rise and the sun will set. This does not mean you can actually see the sun every day, because it could be covered by clouds, or obstructed from view, like in a forest. But we still see its light, and most days, feel its warmth. The sun is there; we can count on it.

The apostle Paul wrote his letter to the people in Rome who had come to believe in Jesus Christ. Though Paul himself had not yet traveled to Rome to establish a church there, he writes to them in what Luther calls “the purest gospel proclamation in all of the New Testament.” Chapter 8 from Romans is where we can hear the promise from God that is more certain than the sun rising, and because he gave His Son to claim those whom he has called through the gospel, it is even more certain than death, because Jesus has even overcome that “certainty.”

We are called and claimed through the gospel as God’s children, adopted … chosen to be a part of the royal family along with Jesus as the firstborn. Join us for worship this weekend as through the witness of St. Paul, we proclaim the certainty that nothing … absolutely nothing in all of creation (because God created ALL!) can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus! Amen.


The Choosy God


Inarticulate Prayer