Cross, Not Glory


Over the past few weeks people have noticed that our weekly blog post has been delivered by video. Sorry to disappoint our video fans this week. These kinds of changes don’t always transition smoothly.

This week in worship we celebrate the Transfiguration of Our Lord, where before the eyes of a few disciples Jesus changes, becomes dazzling white, and begins conversing with Moses and Elijah. The sight is awe inspiring and fear inducing. And rightly so. Unlike changes in our world that take time, planning and process, the transfiguration change on that mountain was immediate. The kingdom of God overlapping the kingdom of earth. Moses and Elijah step aside and Jesus his kingdom of mercy and grace take over.

Make no mistake, however. The kingdom of God is invading the world, but not with dazzling sights and never ending mountain top experiences. Jesus’ kingdom is established on the cross. It may not be the glory we hope for, but it is the kingdom that Jesus promises us. “Listen to him!”

Pastor Lars Olson


Wild at Heart


Our Life of Faith: Living Between Christ’s First and Second Healing Touch