Presence—the Very Best Gift of All
This past week, as I made my way through the crush of people out at the mall … I tried to look deeply into the comings and goings of people: in and out of all kinds of stores. And I came to the conclusion that it was not that they came to buy things they already wanted; but rather, it was as if they came looking for something to want! Something that might fill a nameless need. If only for a moment it was a comment on our human nature – how God has created us (“planting eternity in our hearts” Ecclesiastes 3:11b). And what is this nameless need? The ancient church father, St. Augustine, perhaps put it best when he penned this opening line in his Confessions: “Our hearts are restless, O Lord, till they find their rest in thee” (I/1).
So, where is this most precious gift? Listen again to the angel’s voice: “And this will be a sign for you. You will find babe wrapped in swaddling cloths” (Luke 2:12a). Here’s the sign. And it’s radical news! Radical, in that it’s not some reality that lives in absolute unapproachable power. Radical in that the God of the whole universe, “maker of heaven and earth,” comes to us. And of all ways, in a manger … in all of its vulnerability, as a baby. Can you hear the infant’s cry? Can you see his little hands, that one day would bear the marks of nails and a cross? You see, in all the seemingly godless places of our darkened lonely lives, God has come for us, is here for us. God is with us – Emmanuel. Listen again, for this still small voice of God saying to you, through this infant Christ Child: “My beloved daughter, my beloved son, I, the Lord of life, am with you; you no longer need to feel alone, or keep searching for some “thing” to fill that nameless need. “Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel” (Isaiah 7:14; RSV).
Family members and friends of First Lutheran Church … wherever you may be … what causes great “comfort and joy” is this vulnerable presence of God in the deepest longings of our lives, which feeds human hunger and thirst. This is the beginning of where we follow the sign to the manger once more, to the table of belonging, to the table of real presence. Behold, the bread. Behold, the wine. Behold, the body of Christ in the communion of believers who gather around one another – as Christ’s ongoing body in the world – in this eternal time of Christmas. And so it was one cold Christmas Eve that the warmth of God’s big oven of spirited grace enfolded Martin Luther with incredible joy. He picked up the Bible … which he said ‘cradles the Christ Child still’ … and he read the same gospel account from St. Luke’s nativity account (Luke 2:8-14) to the folks in Wittenberg, Germany, that we will also hear once more. Luther exclaimed: ‘For to us! To us! A child is born! And for us! For us! God’s son is given!’
Last year at this time a family of carolers from First Lutheran shared this Christmas message at a couple of nursing homes in Sioux Falls. A sagely woman of deep faith, came out from her darkened room with the biggest smile as she heard the good news: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” and “Joy to the World.” And then she said to them: “Thanks for coming to visit. You’ve given me the wonder of Christmas once more, the very best gift, in giving of yourselves. Thanks for being here.” …. Did you hear it? Presence: the very best gift of God’s very self for us. Presence: the very best gift we can give in offering of ourselves for one another.
Let us pray: Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest – and let this, the very best gift of your presence – to us be blessed … and then shared with all around. AMEN. … And now, may the swaddling cloths of our dear Savior’s birth, enfold you once more in his “comfort and joy.”
John Christopherson
Senior Pastor