A Little Salt

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“[And Jesus said to his disciples, and to us, his disciples still today] … ‘You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by [people]. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Nor do [people] light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before [people], that they may see your good works [that would] give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:13-16)

How do these words of Jesus speak to you … at least, initially? Do you hear these words as “command” (the do-this-or-else of the Law) or as “blessing” (the affirming good-news-news of the Gospel)? I have to admit that I initially hear them as a command, especially when there are words here like “thrown-out” or “see your good works.” I mean, they quite frankly put me dead-to-rights with guilt, realizing my inability to fulfill the high demands of the Law.

HOWEVER … there is a Word (put your focus now on the One who is speaking here, on Jesus) who is the Word that is at once deeper-and-higher … One who’s soaking wet in drowning the power of sin and death (Matt. 3:13-17) … One who’s overcome the world’s empty, devilish voices and fulfilled God’s word (Matt. 4:1-11; see v.4), One who blesses us with an eternal word of identity and purpose beyond the measuring sticks of the world, that comes to us from the upside-down-kingdom-of-God. Yes, even when we’re feeling dead or just plain absolutely worthless … those “poor in spirit,” those “who mourn,” “are weak,” or “persecuted” (Matt. 5:1-12). This is God’s Word who has come to bless in Christ Jesus, who reminds us that he has “fulfilled the law’s demands” (Matt. 5:17) for us.

Friends in Christ: “You are,” salt and light. NOT “You ought to be” or “could be.” “You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world.” As in already are. Even if you didn’t know till now. Even if you once knew it and forgot. Even if you have a hard time believing it.” This blessing, gracing, gospel word for you should not be missed … or held under a bushel basket of missed-understanding. No, not at the world’s face value; but in the face of Christ – whose countenance is shining upon you as you read these words of Jesus for you in this text from St. Matthew 5:13-20. And now sends you forth into the world to let it shine, even if we don’t think it’s a big deal: with just a “little salt” of praying for someone when they’re feeling flat … or a “little light” you can shine simply by taking time to attentively listen to someone who’s hurting.

Let us pray: Our Lord Jesus Christ … call us anew this day, as your already “salt and light” for your world, from our baptism into You. Remind us especially in a world that gives kudos to that which is BIG and POWERFUL, that YOU call us into a humble witness of being even just a little salt, a little light. For centuries, we as your church have been great and writ large ~ a Christendom; but in our time, we are constrained by your Holy Spirit to rediscover the possibilities of littleness, because beyond all the hoopla, you have blessed us … beyond measure… to be a blessing (Gen. 12:1-3; Matt. 28:18-20). Yes, we find it difficult to consider our destiny as “little flocks” (Luke 12:32). “Can such a calling be worthy of the servants of the Sovereign of the universe?” And yet, O God, if that sovereign be the One who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit from the Cross – can any other calling be thought legitimate? Lord, shine on us and be graciously salty to us so that we might let our little lights shine for others – to your glory. In the name of Jesus, who is “the light of the world.” (John 8:12) AMEN

j. r. christopherson
Senior Pastor


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