The Life of Discipleship: Proclaiming the Gospel in a 'World of They'


Listen in to the contemporary, somewhat satirical paraphrase of our gospel text for this coming Sunday (please read Matthew 10:24-39), from Eugene Peterson’s The Message.

“[And Jesus says to his twelve disciples and us this day]: ‘If they call me, the Master, ‘Dungface,’ what can the workers expect? So, don’t be intimidated. Eventually everything is going to be out in the open, and everyone will know how things really are. So don’t hesitate to go public now [and tell the truth of the gospel]. Don’t be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There’s something they can’t do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands.” (Matthew 10:24-28; The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language)

In Dallas Texas, 1963 … when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade … his wife, Jaqueline, threw herself as best she could over his bleeding body and said: “They’ve killed my husband!”// But who were “they”? // “They’ve killed my husband.”// Mrs. Kennedy lived in a world of vague, but very real hostile forces that would kill her husband. And she knew it. She didn’t just imagine it. // They were real. // But they had no name… She didn’t know who they were; where they lived; or where they came from. But they killed her husband.

Friends in Christ: there are a lot of people who live in a “World of They.” Sometimes it’s a hostile world, a threatening, adversarial world. “They.” You know what I’m taking about don’t you? // “They’ve now bought-up ’bout half of Sioux Falls. And they’re going to even change the name of the city to boot!” … “Really?!” … “Well, that’s what they say.” // “You heard THAT?!” … “That’s what they tell me.” … “And they say a Lutheran pastor from Oldham is running for Governor on the Norwegian ticket.” … “Are you sure?” … “Well, that’s what they tell me.” Sound familiar? Know what to do when “they” come after you?

And so in our Gospel text for this Sunday (Matthew 10:24-39), Jesus sends the disciples [and yes, us] out into a “World of They.” However, before they left—according to St. Matthew—Jesus called them by name (cf. Matt. 10:1-4). He gathered them around and preached to them what we might call an Ordination Sermon (Matt. 10:5f), and then he sends them out to be “wise as serpents yet gentle as doves” (Matt. 10:16). In that sermon Jesus says “they” about nine or ten times. “They’re going to call you up in court. They’re going to drag you into prison. They’re going to bring you up before governors and kings and persons of authority. They’re going to HATE you!” (Matt. 10:16-23). I mean, the disciples must have been terrified! Right? So, as Jesus puts his arms around them and begins to send them forth in ministry and mission … into a “World of They” … what does Jesus say?

Stay tuned … this Sunday morning at 8 o’clock on KELO-FM, at 11 o’clock on KSFY, or anytime on our YouTube channel. And in the meantime, I hope this little prelude for this week’s sermon finds you and your families in good health and spirit. At our new outdoor parking lot service, on Sunday nights at 7 p.m., I’ll offer a different sermon entitled “Alone In The House.” (Based on this same text from Matthew 10, but with a special emphasis on v.36.) God’s grace …

j.r. christopherson
Senior Pastor


Alone in the House: A Difficult Call to Commitment


Devil got your tongue?