Thoughts for Sunday Jodi Hoyt Thoughts for Sunday Jodi Hoyt

Small as a seed

This past week, Pastor Franklin Pudas (a retired pastor and member of First Lutheran) shared a short poem with me, which he wrote himself, based on several parables featured in this weekend’s gospel: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52.


It's as
Small as a seed
And active as leaven,
One great pearl, or best of the catch.

Come to worship this weekend and be blessed by the activity of God manifested in Christ Jesus. Don’t overlook the way God is bringing us unexpected shelter (v. 31-32) in times of trouble and sustenance in times of want (v. 33) through his son Jesus. Christ gave up everything to search for his own and save us—you are of much value to him, a treasure, or “catch,” of great value indeed (v. 44-52). These verses underscore God’s love for us, active in Christ. I look forward to celebrating this love in worship with you on Sunday! 

Join us live at 8 a.m. on KELO-FM and YouTube or at 11 a.m. on KSFY. We will also have a Parking Lot Worship Service at 7 p.m. on Sunday that celebrates God’s faithfulness to First Lutheran’s high school graduates. 

See you in church!
Pastor Katherine Olson

p.s. On Wednesday, we shared a video of Pastor Pudas’ poetry set to music. Be sure to check it out!

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