Thoughts for Sunday Jodi Hoyt Thoughts for Sunday Jodi Hoyt

Beware this Week

Philip Ruge-Jones cautions preachers who tackle Mark 10:2-16 in their sermons on Sunday. “As soon as you read the word ‘divorce’ aloud, a whole sermon will appear in people’s heads. Some will hear early sermons that were launched at them or someone they loved when a divorce occurred. Pain will make it difficult to hear the words you actually speak. Others will conjure up their condemnation of others based on this single word.”

I’m a bit unnerved as I think of preaching for our community this Sunday. These words of Jesus will be tough for those whose lives have been touched by divorce and/or remarriage to hear. The Pharisees want him to speak about the law’s allowances concerning divorce, but Jesus will not play such games with them. He draws their attention back to creation, where God gives marriage to the human in order to bless them, not as a way to introduce heartache and strife.

Ultimately, the Pharisees did not raise the question of divorce with Jesus because they were concerned about husbands, wives, and children. They broached this subject with him in order that they may test him (v. 2). Therefore, it is the sin of self-righteousness that is ultimately exposed in this passage, and it will be the sin of self-righteousness that will receive the “fire and brimstone treatment” at First Lutheran this Sunday, not divorce. 

If you come to this text feeling condemned and exposed, it is my hope you are reassured in the forgiveness, love, and mercy Jesus has for you after you hear the sermon. If Jesus’ condemnation of divorce causes you to feel proud and arrogant in your own ability to “keep the law,” then I hope God will use my sermon to expose your self-righteousness and your need, too, for a Savior. Married or divorced, single or widowed, we all have that—a blessed, gracious Savior—in Jesus Christ.

Pastor Katherine Olson

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Thoughts for Sunday Jodi Hoyt Thoughts for Sunday Jodi Hoyt

The Messianic Secret & Great Expectations

“Jesus then asked [his disciples], ‘And you—what are you saying about me? Who am I? Peter gave the answer: ‘You are the Christ, the Messiah.’ Jesus then warned them to keep it quiet, not to breathe a word of it to anyone. He then began explaining things to them: ‘It is necessary that the Son of Man proceed to an ordeal of suffering, be tried and found guilty by the elders … be killed, and after three days rise up alive.’  He said this simply and clearly so they couldn’t miss it. But Peter grabbed him in protest. Turning and seeing his disciples wavering, wondering what to believe, Jesus confronted Peter. ‘Peter, get out of my way! Satan, get lost! You have no idea how God works.’” (Mark 8:27b-33; The Message)

At the beginning of St. Mark’s gospel, Jesus casts out demons and heals the sick (v.34, 43-44). But then he says: “Don’t tell anyone about this.” In Mark, Chapter 3, Jesus heals many who are struggling with disease … Again he says, “Don’t tell anyone about this.” Further, in St. Mark’s gospel, Chapter 5, Jesus raises a little girl from the dead. And then in Chapter 8, just before our gospel reading for this coming weekend (see above quote), Jesus gives sight to a blind man.  And yet AGAIN, he strictly charges the people: “Don’t tell anyone.”


George Winston

Why not? You’ve got to be kidding?! The long-awaited Messiah is here! I mean, you want to shout it from the roof tops. Cuz you’re as “high” as you’re gonna get! Right? So, it’s like OK to inhale; but don’t exhale?! Earlier this week during one of our Bible Studies at First Lutheran, this same question was asked: “Why in the world did Jesus say, ‘Don’t tell anyone about these things?’” (Biblical scholars refer to this classic question in St. Mark’s gospel as “The Messianic Secret.” Cf. J. Marcus; Mark I:525-527.)

So, why do you suppose this was? Think about it … Why didn’t Jesus want those who were healed or his disciples to holler-it-for-all-the-world-to-hear? … Stay tuned as I’ll be sharing a story from a time when I met the world famous pianist, George Winston at a concert, listen to his piece, “Thanksgiving” … and, well … many of my great expectations were turned upside down. I’ll weave this story together with our gospel text for this weekend at worship. Read Mark 8:27-38. And then bring your questions/expectations as to how Jesus reveals God’s love and salvation to the world, and yes, FOR YOU.

See you at worship.
j.r. christopherson
Senior Pastor

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